Adult Fantasy / Dark Romance / Fairy Tale / New Book

Deartháireacha—a fascinating look at 14th Century Italy

I’ve started to write my latest novel, Deartháireacha, in the dark Fae-Tales series. This one takes place in 14th Century Florence, and I’ll tell you…it’s a real journey. I’m researching everything from transportation to fashion to the foods they ate. I want to give my readers an authentic portrayal of the time, but still keep the language fresh and interesting for a modern taste.

I’m going to break a few rules…after all it’s not a historical novel, but a fairy tale and since I’m still working on the draft, I can’t provide any details, but I can tell you, it’s one thing to fantasy world build, quite another to go back in time and world recreate

I’m enjoying the process. I hope if you get a chance to read it, that you’ll enjoy the story. I’m extremely visual, images and music are evocative and allow me to escape into my own imaginary world. Here are some images and sounds to carry you away…


May 9, 2019

And the Cover is done!

August 13, 2019